infoInfo: This is the Teacher interface. If you are a student submitting an assignment, please go to the Student interface

Welcome to is an open source app developed by the Louvain School of Translation and Interpreting (LSTI, UCLouvain) to support the quality assessment of student post-editing (PE). It consists of two interfaces: a Teacher interface and a Student interface.

The project is funded by UCLouvain Fonds de développement pédagogique (2021-2023).

Main features of

How to get access to

The app is made freely available to universities for teaching and internal research purposes. Please get in touch with Marie-Aude Lefer to get a copy of the licence agreement.

Meet the team

Marie-Aude Lefer (PI) • Romane Bodart (research assistant) • Adam Obrusnik (IT developer) • Justine Piette (teaching assistant)

Contact: marie-aude.lefer {at}

Talks and publications

Lefer, M.-A., Bodart, R., Obrusník, A., & Piette, J. (2023). The Post-Edit Me! project. In: M. Nurminen et al. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 24th Annual Conference of the European Association for Machine Translation (pp 493-494). European Association for Machine Translation. Available online:

Lefer, M.-A., Bodart, R., Obrusnik, A. & Piette, J. (2023). Comment évaluer la qualité des post-éditions ? La taxonomie MTPEAS et le logiciel à la rescousse. Languages, literature and translation studies: Lessons from the past and challenges of the future, UMons, 27-28 April 2023.

Bodart, R., Piette, J., Obrusnik, A. & Lefer, M.-A. (2022). Évaluation de la qualité des post-éditions des étudiants : la taxonomie MTPEAS au service des formations universitaires en traduction. Enseigner la traduction et l’interprétation à l’heure neuronale, Université libre de Bruxelles, 29-30 September 2022.

Lefer, M.-A., Bodart, R., Obrusnik, A. & Piette, J. (2022). Post-editing quality assessment in translator education and beyond: Introducing the MTPEAS taxonomy. Translation in Transition 6, Charles University (Prague), 22-23 September 2022.

Lefer, M.-A., Piette, J. & Bodart, R. (2022). Machine Translation Post-Editing Annotation System (MTPEAS) manual. OER-UCLouvain. Available online: Conditions générales Language list: